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2020 Twin Ports Climate Conversation: Solastalgia: What is it? How is it affecting Minnesotans?
2020 Twin Ports Climate Conversation: Toward a Resilient and Connected Northwoods
Through the Lens: Solastalgia
Solastalgia | An original Documentary | The Book Show originals | ENG Subs
Climate change and health in Minnesota: From (A)ir quality to (Z)ero-emission vehicles w/ Dr. Doheny
Glenn Albrecht – Solastalgia: its creation, applications, and future
2013 Rural Wellness Conference
Safouan Azouzi
Brandon Krumwiede - Understanding Long-Term Coastal Impacts of Water Level Changes in Lake Michigan
Climate Change and Human Health: Navigating Environmental, Societal, and Individual Impacts
SOK 2019 12: Behavioral Health and Climate Change
Citizen scientists: Answering critical invasive species questions